Welcoming a new baby is one of the most precious times in life. Whether you're an expectant mom dreaming of your little one's arrival or you've just welcomed your baby, a newborn photography session is a gift to yourself and to this child. I consider it such an honor to do these photo sessions. They truly are special, and just like a wedding day, unrepeatable! I want to share with you how my newborn sessions are structured and the fundamentals of my approach to newborn photography.

What to Expect During a Newborn Photo Session

Capturing Your Newborn’s Sweetest Moments

Wondering what makes a newborn session successful? It’s simple: a baby-led approach. As long as we keep this simple framework in mind, everything else unfolds beautifully. Baby-led sessions are very in tune with the baby’s needs. If your baby is hungry, she is fed. If she is sleepy, we’ll capture precious, sleepy photos. If she is fussy, you’ll soothe her. The entire shoot may be done with your baby in your arms if that is what your baby needs.

My style is Fine Art Lifestyle, which means that I will come into your home and capture the connections and details that make this time so unique and beautiful. Here's how a typical session goes.

About 15 minutes before I arrive, try feeding your baby as much or as little as they want. If they only take an ounce, it’s good; if they take more, that’s good too. This usually helps them be more relaxed and settled. If you keep your home on the cooler side, you may want to turn the temperature up by 2 or 3 degrees so the baby is comfortable when they are not swaddled.

When I arrive (I usually schedule newborn sessions for 10 a.m.), I will walk around your home and find the one to two best-lit areas for photos. These are often the master bedroom, the couch, and/or nursery. Please don’t feel like you have to clean the house before I arrive. We can easily pick up an area we want to use for photos while I’m there. I have been where you are, exhausted and focused on the new baby. Cleaning is at the bottom of the list for a while.

If you have other children, I’ll take a little time to get to know them. Children often tire of having their photos taken, so we’ll start with family photos and then sibling photos. I’ll then take pictures of just your newborn --I’ll need you close by to help! Finally, we’ll take photos of your newborn with just the parents, together and individually.

During your newborn session, I’ll provide gentle guidance and direction to ensure you and your baby feel comfortable and relaxed. Expect natural and heartwarming poses that capture the beauty of your newborn and the love between you and your family. Feel free to share any specific poses you have in mind.

Preparing for Your Newborn Photo Session: A Guide for Parents

Expert Tips to Make Your Baby’s First Photos Unforgettable

Your newborn is perfect just the way he or she is. A simple onesie that is form-fitting is perfect for this type of session. Our focus is more about your baby and less about their outfit. This usually means that you will need a preemie or newborn-sized onesie. We’ll also take some photos of your baby without the onesie --either with just their diaper or totally bare. I will consult with you on this.  Please have a couple of swaddle blankets handy. 

Neutral colors compliment newborn photos. These are your wheat, white, golden hues. Blush pinks, sage, and creams are nice.

Dress the family in similar, complementary colors. Outfits should be comfortable and easy to get into. Children should be comfy. Bare feet or socks are a good choice. Upon booking with me, I will send you my Newborn Photo Session guide with more information.

I am always available to answer any questions and concerns you may have.

The Best Age for Newborn Photos and Why

Insights on Why Certain Timeframes Work Best for Capturing Those Tiny Details

I recommend booking your newborn session a couple of months before your due date. I’ll reserve your due date on my calendar as a placeholder and wait for you to share the exciting news once your baby has arrived! After your little one is born, we’ll schedule the photoshoot for a date between day 4 and 3 weeks. During this time, babies are still very sleepy and naturally curl up into adorable poses reminiscent of their time in the womb. Their delicate skin, tiny features, and newborn expressions are at their peak, making these early days perfect. 

For families who prefer to wait, scheduling a session anytime in the first two months is also a great option. By this time, babies may be more alert, making it possible to capture sweet, wide-eyed moments and the first glimpses of their emerging personality. Additionally, you may feel more settled into your routines.

In case you're wondering, the newborn in these photos, Billie Faye, is just shy of two weeks old. I know! So adorable, right?

Behind the Scenes of a Newborn Photo Shoot

Celebrating Sweet Beginnings

Grandmother swaddles Billie for her portrait

A lot of the session can be done on a bed. Window light is paramount.

I love capturing pictures of the siblings interacting.

Siblings get camera time too!

Show the connection between the parents and their newest child

Showing how precious and small this baby is with this cradled shot

Capturing Tiny Details: The Magic of Newborn Photography

Every tiny detail --those tiny fingers, perfect little button toes --tells the story of your baby's first days.

Connection over Perfection

As a student of Elena S Blair, I’ve adopted her guiding principle, “Connection over perfection.” It’s about capturing the connections between family members: eye contact with each other, a hand naturally placed, a spontaneous laugh. To do this, I had to let go of rigid rules that I once overthought. That simple realization makes my sessions feel like magic to me. Life is beautiful on its own: just capture it!

Newborn Photos Are a Gift That Lasts Forever

Newborn photos are a way to capture this miracle, this amazing creation! I look at newborns, and marvel that just days ago, they were still in their mothers. I think most people feel this same awe. So capturing this time with the aid of a professional photographer is a gift to your baby, to you, and to your family.

By choosing a skilled newborn photographer, you ensure that every detail—those tiny fingers, delicate features, and peaceful expressions—is safely and beautifully preserved. These are the photos your child, once fully grown, will pull out to compare with the features of their own newborn. You are creating a legacy of love and connection for years to come.